As reported by Iran International Exhibitions Co, the 20th International Exhibition of Iran Metafo Exhibition was started in presence of Chairman of the Industries and Mines, Mr. Akbari Talarposhti . Head Of Finance,Mr Moosavi Member of the Board Iran International Exhibitions Company Mr. Beikzadeh.
The 639 domestic and foreign Companies from Germany, China, Italy,Turkey, Japan , Spain, UK, France, Hong Kong ,swetzerland, India, Russia, taiwan, Czech Rep, UAE, Slovenjia, SouthAfrica, Malaysia, Austria, USA, South Korea and Sweden have participated in the 20th International Exhibition of mining ,Nonfero,steel, casting,metal forming,forging ,Machinary, fire/flame proof , industrial fernace and Heat treating , any type of Steel and Heat treatments .
The Exhibition is open for visitors on November 24th - 27th, 2023, between 8 am - 3 pm in halls 5,18,31,35,44,41,40 ,38A,38B.