The 3rd Iran International Exhibition and Conference of Exhibition Industry has inaugurated.
According to the reporting by the news & informing (Media) department of the Public Relations and International Affairs of the I.R.IRAN International Exhibitions Company (IIEC PR), the 3rd Iran International Exhibition and Conference of Exhibition Industry has inaugurated with the presence of the Deputy Minister of Industry – Mine & Trade and Chairman of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPO), Mr. Zeyghami; Members of the Board of the IIEC, Mr. Beikzadeh and Mr. Malayeri and a group of activists and famous persons of this industry at the Tehran International Permanent Fairground on thursday
This exhibition holds by the participation of 40 companies which will introduce Iranian fairground owners & exhibition companies, organizers of the international exhibitions and conferences, booth constructors (modular & special), companies related to the exhibition advertising field, raw materials manufacturers for booth construction, equipment manufacturers for booth construction, lighting equipment manufacturers, designing volume building and visual communication companies, exhibition information and marketing centers, exhibition transportation companies, travel services and exhibition tour companies, exhibition decoration consultant and designer companies, related units and associations, newspaper & press and other related industries and groups in hall No. 35 on Thursday 22nd until Sunday 25th February 2024 from 8 AM to 3 PM in Tehran